
"Zen and the Art of Being an Embodied Gay Man," a discussion by Joe Rodriguez at Gay Buddhist Sangha on April 8, 2012, on the theme of "What's Love Got to Do With It?"
"Sex and Zen," a discussion by Rev. Daigan Gather at Gay Buddhist Sangha on April 1, 2012, on the theme of "What's Love Got to Do With It?"
"Not Having Any Idea of What You're Doing" by Michael Wenger: a demo of two brush paintings, which Michael calls "Inklings." For more info, visit Michael's blog at To listen to the audio of Michael's talk, visit Audio.
We Are All Egyptian - a discussion with John Mifsud on July 17, 2011.
Turning the Wheel of the Dharma in the Queer Community: A discussion with Ken Ireland and Gregory Wood on Tommy "Issan" Dorsey and his impact on the queer community in San Francisco in the 80s and early 90s when he opened the doors of Hartford Street Zen Center and founded Maitri Hospice - the first Buddhist hospice in the western world - for AIDS patients in the Castro.
Although Issan Dorsey was not the first gay man to teach Buddhism in the West, and the Hartford Street Zen Center was not the first practice place to welcome LGBT practitioners, when the gay men who lived at Hartford St. asked Issan to be their resident teacher, the Dharma Wheel was turned in our community.
A lecture by John Mifsud at the Gay Buddhist Sangha in San Francisco on November 28, 2010. The talk was part of an eight-week series on "Basic Buddhism for Everyday Living." For more info on the Gay Buddhist Sangha and/or to watch other videos in the series, visit
A lecture by Rev. Michael "Ryuei" McCormick at the Gay Buddhist Sangha in San Francisco on November 21, 2010. The talk was part of an eight-week series on "Basic Buddhism for Everyday Living." For more info on the Gay Buddhist Sangha and/or to watch other videos in the series, visit
A lecture by Rev. Lisa Hoffman at the Gay Buddhist Sangha in San Francisco on November 14, 2010. The talk was part of an eight-week series on "Basic Buddhism for Everyday Living." For more info on the Gay Buddhist Sangha and/or to watch other videos in the series, visit
A lecture by Rev. Christina Lehnherr at the Gay Buddhist Sangha in San Francisco on November 7, 2010. The talk was part of an eight-week series on "Basic Buddhism for Everyday Living." For more info on the Gay Buddhist Sangha and/or to watch other videos in the series, visit
The Fourth Noble Truth: Right Effort, Right Mindfulness and Right Concentration with Rev. Linda Galijan from Albert Kaba on Vimeo.
A lecture by Rev. Linda Galijan of the San Francisco Zen Center, presented at the Gay Buddhist Sangha in San Francisco on October 31, 2010. The talk was part of an eight-week series on "Basic Buddhism for Everyday Living." For more info on the Gay Buddhist Sangha and/or to watch other videos in the series, visit
A lecture by Rev. Jana Drakka at the Gay Buddhist Sangha in San Francisco on October 24, 2010. The talk was part of an eight-week series on "Basic Buddhism for Everyday Living." For more info on the Gay Buddhist Sangha and/or to watch other videos in the series, visit
The Fourth Noble Truth: Walking the Path of Wisdom (Right View and Right Intention) with Zachary Smith from Albert Kaba on Vimeo.
The Fourth Noble Truth: Walking the Path of Wisdom (Right View and Right Intention), a lecture by Zachary Smith at the Gay Buddhist Sangha in San Francisco on October 17, 2010. The talk was part of an eight-week series on "Basic Buddhism for Everyday Living."
The First Three Noble Truths, a lecture by Ven. Lobsang Chokyi of the Tse Chen Ling Center, presented at the Gay Buddhist Sangha in San Francisco on October 10, 2010. The talk was part of an eight-week series on "Basic Buddhism for Everyday Living."
* We are currently testing this video on Vimeo and YouTube. Please feel free to send us your comments on our Contact Us page.
Sex and Desire in the LGBT Community: A Buddhist Perspective, a lecture by Steven Tierney at the Gay Buddhist Sangha in San Francisco on August 8, 2010. How can Buddhist Practice help us to embrace our sexuality and rejoice in opportunities for intimacy? What does Buddhism offer to those for whom sexual behavior has become unmanageable and obsessive? We will use our time together to think about sexual health with openness and precision; accepting the possibilities of rich spirituality and sexuality - together in our lives and community.
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
The Immanence of Interdependence, a lecture by Rev. Jana Drakka, Soto Zen priest, on July 18, 2010, on the theme of "Celebrating Our Interdependence," in five parts. For more information on Jana Drakka, visit See links for parts 2-5 below:
Part 2 of 5:
Part 3 of 5:
Part 4 of 5:
Part 5 of 5:
The Red Thread of Desire, a lecture by Rev. Cynthia Kear at the Gay Buddhist Sangha on June 20, 2010, on the theme of "Is There a Place for Desire in the Buddhadharma?". The title is a reference to both "The Red Thread of Passion" teaching in Mahayana Zen, as well as to June's theme.
Part 2 of 5:
Part 3 of 5:
Part 4 of 5:
Part 5 of 5 (Q&A):
Is There a Place for Desire in the Buddhadharma? Yes!, a lecture by Rev. Joan Amaral of the San Francisco Zen Center, at the Gay Buddhist Sangha on June 13, 2010. The lecture is part of a month-long theme series, "Is There a Place for Desire in the Buddhadharma?," in five parts. See links for parts 2-5 below.
Part 2 of 5:
Part 3 of 5:
Part 4 of 5:
Part 5 of 5:
Desire Is Only a Moment in Time, a lecture by John MIfsud, with the East Bay Meditation Center, at the Gay Buddhist Sangha on June 6, 2010. The lecture is part of a month-long theme series, "Is There a Place for Desire in the Buddhadharma?," in four parts. See links for parts 2-4 below.
Part 2 of 4:
Part 3 of 4:
Part 4 of 4:
Wisdom: Things As They Are, a lecture by Marc Matheson, a meditation teacher in the Shambhala Buddhist tradition founded by Chogyam Trungpa, on May 16, 2010, part 1 of 6. Marc provides an overview of the different Buddhist traditions, including Shambhala, and shares personal anecdotes about Chogyam Trungpa, Jimmy Dorje, and Wangdu. Marc is a student of Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche and helped launch the Shambhala Times.
Wisdom: Things As They Are (Q & A):
Part 2 of 5:
Part 3 of 5:
Part 4 of 5:
Part 5 of 5:
Gay Relationships and Spiritual Practice by Gregory Millard, Ph.D., January 11, 2009, part 1 of 3. For questions regarding this lecture, contact Greg at
Part 2 of 3:
Part 3 of 3:
Joy, a dharma lecture at the Gay Buddhist Sangha by Rev. Jana Drakka, Zen Buddhist priest, in San Francisco, November 23, 2008. Jana's website is
Part 2 of 5:
Part 3 of 5:
Part 4 of 5:
Part 5 of 5:
Other videos of interest

One of the most beautiful nature videos you have ever seen - pollination and interconnectedness!
Rev. Jana Drakka, a priest in the Soto Zen lineage of Buddhism, offers a Buddhist blessing (metta sutta chant, also know as "The Great Dharani" or Lovingkindness Meditation) on May 22, 2010, at Harvey Milk Plaza, in honor of Harvey Milk's birthday celebration in San Francisco's Castro district. The blessing was offered at an organized protest of the proposed sit/lie ordinance that would make it against the law to sit or lie on a public sidewalk between the hours of 7 am and 11 pm. Harvey Milk led the effort in the successful repeal of a similar law in the 1970s that was used against gay men in the Castro, infringing on their freedom of assembly. For more info on Jana Drakka, visit

"Meditation" with San Francisco teacher Jon Bernie.

"Planting Seeds of Intention" with Jon Bernie.
Other Jon Bernie videos at Clear Water Sangha:
Come and Dance: Spoken word and music video on Tibet and the Buddha by Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche.
What About Me? by Sakyong Mipham (Chogyam Trungpa's son and Dharma heir in the Shambhala Tibetan tradition). It's an incredibly beautiful and moving video.
Loneliness, a Dharma lecture by Theravadan monk Ajahn Brahm.