A Basic Buddhist Meditation *

Set aside your preoccupations and concerns for the moment and sit in a position that’s comfortable for you, whether on a cushion or in a chair.  Whatever position you choose, be sure to keep your spine relatively erect (yet relaxed) so that you can breathe easily and freely.


Now gently rest your attention on the coming and going of your breath.  Some traditions recommend focusing on the sensation of the breath as it enters and leaves your nostrils; others prefer to focus on the rising and falling of your stomach as you breathe.  Whatever you choose to concentrate on, stick with it for the full meditation period.  Be aware of the subtle changes and shifts in your sensations as you breathe in and out.  When your mind wanders off, because of daydreaming or even fixated thinking, gently bring your awareness back to your breath.


Don’t try to stop thinking – thoughts and feelings will naturally come and go as you meditate. But remain uninvolved with them as much as possible.  Enjoy the simple experience of breathing in and breathing out.


* Adapted from Buddhism for Dummies