Books for Beginners

Here are some wonderful books to start:


Buddhism Plain and Simple - Steve Hagen 

Being Peace, The Heart of the Buddha’s Teachings - Thich Nhat Hanh 

A Path With Heart - Jack Kornfield 

Buddhism for Dummies - Jonathan Landow 

Meditation for Life - - Martine Batchelor

Buddhism Without Beliefs - Stephen Batchelor

It's Easier Than You Think - Sylvia Boorstein

When Things Fall Apart - Pema Chodron

The Places That Scare You - Pema Chodron

Start Where You Are - Pema Chodron

Don’t Bite the Hook - Pema Chodron

Journey of Awakening: A Meditator's Guidebook  - Ram Dass

The Art of Happiness - Tenzin Gyatso (Dalai Lama) 

The Path of Insight Meditation - Joseph Goldstein

What the Buddha Taught - Walpola Rahula 

Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism - Chogyam  Trungpa 

Lovingkindness: The Revolutionary Art of Happiness - Sharon Salzberg

Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind - Suzuki Roshi

Street Zen: The Life and Work of Issan Dorsey - David Schneider 

The Religions of Man - Huston Smith 

Healing Into Life and Death - Stephen Levine 

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance - Robert Pirzig