Wed, 16 May 2012 22:06:27 -0500Jimdo_Feeden_US

This is a test for the blogs

Sun, 11 Sep 2011 11:25:05 -0500

Remembering 9/11:  A day of remembrance, memorial and celebration of our country's abiding spirit, a day when we can all come together, Democrat, Republican, Tea Partier, Straight, Gay. Transgender, Christian, Muslim, Jew, and Atheist. A day when there is no "other" or "enemy" or good or evil and the rest of our seemingly irreconcilable differences. A day to celebrate no difference and to honor and memorialize those who lost their lives.

Sun, 11 Sep 2011 10:35:50 -0500

Take a Republican - or a Democrat - out to lunch next week. Talk about your differences. Find out why and how they feel about what really matters to them. Stay away from talking points; it's not a debate, or right or wrong, and you're not trying to persuade or convert each other. Listen more, talk less.

Sat, 10 Sep 2011 14:26:11 -0500